Jessica Starling Interview with Romeo Mancini
April 5, 2024
Romeo Manici
Hey, what's up, guys? Look who's here. Look who's in the house.
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
Jessica Starling.
Jessica Starling
That's me.
Romeo Manici
How are you doing?
Jessica Starling
I'm perfect. How are you?
Romeo Manici
You are perfect.
Jessica Starling
Oh, thank you.
Romeo Manici
You really are. I'm so excited. That's all I am. I'm so excited to bring my face in those huge titties. Those are amazing.
Jessica Starling
Thank you.
Romeo Manici
What size are those?
Jessica Starling
32 Triple D.
Romeo Manici
32 Triple D. Oh, my goodness. 32 Triple D natural boobs.
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
So nice.
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
Amazing. How long have you been in the industry?
Jessica Starling
I've been making my own content for ... six years.
Romeo Manici
Six years?
Jessica Starling
Wow. Yeah, I've just started filming for studios this past March So it's been a handful of months for that.
Romeo Manici
That's pretty cool. So how do you like it so far?
Jessica Starling
I love it I love meeting new people and getting to work with them. It's been a really cool experience
Romeo Manici
How was your fans reacting to your mainstream Transition?
Jessica Starling
they love it.They love it. I feel like they like
Romeo Manici
they're greedy.They want to see more.
Jessica Starling
They want to see more
Romeo Manici
They're all they're already like, oh when you're doing anal when you're doing DP when you're
Jessica Starling
Yeah, yeah, they want they want all the things they'll come they'll come in due time.
Romeo Manici
do you do anal?
Jessica Starling
I°m going to be doing it.
Romeo Manici
Do you do it in your personal life?
Jessica Starling
with my dildos
Romeo Manici
That's probably the best way
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
do you like do you like anal
Jessica Starling
I do yes. You have to like anal is something that's like when you're on the receiving end It's something you really have to know your body Sure, we had to be really like in touch with me everything works and stuff and that's been that's been actually pretty enjoyable, too
Romeo Manici
okay, So that's that's that's what it when they say you gotta get in touch with your inner self that's what they mean?
Jessica Starling
Maybe ... literal inner self
Romeo Manici
That seams pretty literal, right? Do you watch porn?
Jessica Starling
I Watch my own porn.
Romeo Manici
Jessica Starling
because for me like I have a pretty good imagination. I don't necessarily need the visual Stimulant part, but if I do I like to have a personal connection to it.
Oh, that's why if I have like a sex tape That was really good then I'll watch that
Romeo Manici
Okay, kind of like remind me kind of like reminds you gives you like probably bring you back Mentally to what were you feeling?
Romeo Manici
That's great. Yeah, that's great and growing up, you know, where you were you watching porn? or it was something that you just like discover like, you know later?
Jessica Starling
I think I think Like porn with like a man and a woman was like too much there's a penis I'm like, oh god what's happening? And so I watch like a girl girl porn porn it was more like
Romeo Manici
Okay, that was my bad
Jessica Starling
It was more just like I don't know It felt more safe to watch because there wasn't like a whole bunch of things happening. Which is like a girl looking at pussy I'm like, okay.
Romeo Manici
Yeah That sounds pretty pretty good to me.
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
Do you like girls too?
Jessica Starling
I love girls.
Romeo Manici
Oh I'm up girls, too
Jessica Starling
We have that in common.
Romeo Manici
That's awesome I can't blame you I can't fucking me. How can you not? I mean, you know you look yourself in the mirror and I'm pretty sure oh, I will fuck that
Romeo Manici
I knew you do that, too
Jessica Starling
I do fuck myself
Romeo Manici
Yeah, you do that too, but I'm saying like, you know, you know, you probably if you had a penis, you know
Jessica Starling
I would like to stick it inside myself ... me
Romeo Manici
What would you do if you had a penis for her for a day? would you probably get you would you like to fuck somebody?
Jessica Starling
I would definitely like to have sex with someone but I would also probably like just swinging around a lot. Okay, it's something new So you'd like swinging around it probably hit it a bunch on different things.
Romeo Manici
Well, I mean as a man how I can give you a piece of advice
Jessica Starling
yes, yeah
Romeo Manici
probably don't Do that no, it'll stick with like, you know sticking it inside like, you know, yeah Would you fuck a girl or a guy first
Jessica Starling
I want to see what a pussy feels like. Yeah from like the dick perspective. and then I'll fuck a guy too
Romeo Manici
Yeah Would you think you will get a BJ first or fuck some someone first?
Jessica Starling
Oh Yeah, yeah you have to go on stages.So we get a blowjob first and then I would fuck someone so we had to look at like stages of experience
Romeo Manici
No, that's that sounds like fun.
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
Do you have any crush you like, you know, like a celebrity crush Celebrity crush.
Jessica Starling
Celebrity crush.Yes. Okay. So there is so this is a girl crush. It's a pro wrestler named Rhea Ripley, oh I gotta take her out.
Romeo Manici
Yeah wow I have to check her up ... What was her name again? Rhea Ripley, I heard about her.
Jessica Starling
Super ripped ... I just want her to bit me up.
Romeo Manici
Yeah Are you more into women worries just it doesn't matter, you know, it's more like attracted to Personality
Jessica Starling
definitely attracted to personality and like honestly across like men and women my attractions pretty much 50 50.
Romeo Manici
Jessica Starling
Yeah, like equally.
Romeo Manici
Yeah Yeah, that's that's pretty cool. And what what attracts you like, you know except like, you know obviously The personality, you know, but do you is there anything like like you said for instance like you said like all these girls ripped Is that something you're into like, you know muscles and
Jessica Starling
yeah. Well, like I'm like a wide variety of men and women I certainly I'm attracted to very masculine energy and both men and women but then also very feminine energy, so I don't have like a type necessarily.
I just like good-looking features So like nice bone structure.
Romeo Manici
This is why men don't understand women, you know, because you guys are you just like I like very masculine but also very like, you know feminine.
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
So there's like
Jessica Starling
There's a wide range of things..
Romeo Manici
Yeah, it's such a wide range
Jessica Starling
but I can like appreciate different kinds of energies
Romeo Manici
That's why I'm saying that's why women are so complicated and men don't understand it like because they're like, you know, so unique and whatever Like I'm sure like some people was like, oh, I'm masculine. I have a chance and then you said like I also like I'm not femenin
Jessica Starling
As long as you're cool and you know you like I like nice features But like whatever you decided to like present that as that
Romeo Manici
what's a red flag?
Jessica Starling
a red flag?
Romeo Manici
Like, you know like if you meet a guy a girl, you know, what's what's a red flag, you know, like
Jessica Starling
Um, if they say ... mmm... I dont know
Romeo Manici
Like especially like into like dating, you know Meet someone and you know, like take you on a date.What's your first right red flag?
Jessica Starling
if they immediately bring up like a crazy ex? Because if you're bringing up a crazy ex immediately it's Probably that you made the ex crazy.
Romeo Manici
Do you think so?
Jessica Starling
That's been my experience, okay, that's been my experience where they all You know so That's that's one of them
Romeo Manici
it could be
Jessica Starling
I mean people are crazy exes but it's oh
Romeo Manici
we all we all do you?
Jessica Starling
yeah ... but we are not gonna get to that but yes
Romeo Manici
What is what is the pettiest thing you've ever done to your ex ? have you done any petty shit ?
Jessica Starling
I'm not a petty person. If I done with you, I'm done with you.
Romeo Manici
Sometimes you gotta be petty it's fun It's so much fun to be to do petty shit sometimes sometimes
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
But I get what you're saying. It's not worth like, you know, when it's serious. It's a serious relationship. It's not even worth it You know, we just..
Jessica Starling
No ... exactly.Yeah If I done with someone that's fine And usually they're the ones reaching out to me trying to be like ... please
Romeo Manici
Just like that ... like please ... are they Italians?
Jessica Starling
Yeah, they're just double Italian Yeah, I know so yeah. I ussually try to be the bigger person.
Romeo Manici
Ok, bigger person with bigger boobs
Jessica Starling
Romeo Manici
Well, uh before we let you go what's your Instagram and what's your Twitter what's your only fans?
Jessica Starling
Yes, you can follow me on instagram @JessicastarlingXO, on twitter @J3ssicastarling But the first e is a 3 so it's j3 ssicastarling and then can follow my free only fans at slash Jessica starling free.
Romeo Manici
Okay Do You have an Amazon wish list too?
Jessica Starling
I do but there's nothing sexy on it. So if you want to get me a rice cooker.
Romeo Manici
Yeah, well, I Mean the the wish list is also like things that you need. So you need a rice cooker?
Jessica Starling
I do
Romeo Manici
Common you guys
Jessica Starling
I want some perfectly cooked rice because people are like, oh, I want your wish list and they buy me like shoes and lingerie but I have like a rice cooker or like a New gaming keyboard and they're like, she can't jerk off to these
Romeo Manici
come on you guys She's getting railed for you guys.
Romeo Manici
She's doing a lot of like cool stuff
Jessica Starling
I deserve rice.
Romeo Manici
Do you want to spoil her back? You know about fucking rice cooker?
Jessica Starling
Yeah Come on
Jessica Starling
I love the fancy Japanese one.
Romeo Manici
There you go. Yeah buy that fucking shit for her like today You know and she probably gonna send you a picture of her boobs like..
Jessica Starling
while I'm eating rice
Romeo Manici
Yeah, exactly a lot of rice on her boobs
Jessica Starling
All over the place
Romeo Manici
Oh, that seems like a pretty fair deal to me. I might buy the rice cooker
Jessica Starling
Oh yeah
Romeo Manici
All right, all right, okay well You guys follow her spoiler. Stay tuned and I'll see you later
Jessica Starling